Be Born Again in the Spirit

'But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.""
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It Is a Freedom Thing

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bad Medicaid Rules

Bluffton attorney Keith Huffman writes today about bad medicaid rules...and I was surprised to hear their might be good ones. Isn't medicaid kind of like welfare wherein the state takes from the rest of us to provide care for those who do not take care of themselves....for whatever reason? As such isn't this a welfare program not to be confused with Medicare.

See, medicare has been in existence for the 44 years that I have been paying into it, mandated by federal law. Medicare is to be there for me in my golden years beginning with age 65. I am 62 and I know Obama has plans on raping the already broke system to the tune of 500 billion dollars. All that means is that the money that is not there anyway will not be backed by the federal government. In other words, Obama lied again, surprise......

Seniors will die awaiting health care that will never come. Obama cannot support the baby boomer generation heading into retirement and that is why he is breaking the system....he has no intention of providing care...his main thrust in population control .

In the beginning of the life cycle, conception, of God's creation, Obama will murder many of these in the womb. Zeke Emanual, bioethicist brother of Chicago thug Rahm Emanuel, and advisor/czarlike to Obama suggests that kids are not viable until at least 3 or 4 and it is determined that they will not have life long illnesses such as autism etc. And here we used to fight over whether or not conception was the beginning of life.....ooh boy, Obama, you are out on a limb here son.

And of course population control measures are faciltated by letting seniors with issues simply die. Oh you nuts and your death panels you say....well, remember that stimulus bill that no one read, well your panels, it's coordinators are included and empowered in that piece of crap legislation. All these are waiting for is page two, the health bill to clear conference and become the law of the land.....

Population will be controlled...viable population age is 15-40 years of age and this is where health dollars will flow.

I think Obama forgot, that all of these young people have parents and even grand parents and some of these may even like the ones that raised them and will wish to take care of them...of course there are those self-serving brats like Obama who want only what they think is good for them.

Obama...get off of my cloud.

Attorney Huffman, you must see some litigative potential in all of this progressive crap making its way through the legislature but there is nothing good about the expansion of medicaid....who pays for that? Taxpayers pay for that and lawyers get rich on the litigation by people who can't afford insurance but can certainly seem to afford lawyers.

Tort reform is the watch word...not an overhaul of our entire health system.

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